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Thursday, 28 July 2011

Zionists Accused Norway of anti-Semitism Before Mossad/NATO Attack. Now Iceland is The Target.

Zionists Accused Norway of anti-Semitism Before Mossad/NATO Attack. Now Iceland is The Target.


Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen reports:

Iceland was recently accused of anti-Semitism by Israel, in the same manner Norway received similar accusations from Israeli officials prior to Breivik's terrorist actions. Now, from Hull, England, a report that a heavy Icelandic statue honoring British sailors was stolen by a team of five men.

Breivik is son of former Norwegian diplomat, stepson of Norwegian military officer. The "lone wolf" has connections. And Israel's hasbara force counters charges that Mossad was behind Norway attacks -- Israel would only respond if a nerve was hit. A deep nerve was hit.
In May, Hanne Nabintu Herland, a Norwegian academic, said, "Norway is the most anti-Semitic country in the West." Herland defended the criminal terrorist Shimon Peres and the propagandist Alan M. Dershowitz in her article, writing:

The President of Israel, Mr. Shimon Peres' critical comments on Norways reluctancy to follow EU, UN and USA in denouncing Hamas as a terrorist movement, are timely remarks. If one adds Harvard professor Alan M. Dershowitz article in the Wall Street Journal 30. March, it all makes me ashamed to be Norwegian. Under the title "Jews are not welcome in Norway," Mr. Dershowitz told of his encounters with anti-Semitic Norwegian academics who made it clear that he was unwanted as a guest lecturer at Norwegian universities. This is how Norwegian intellectuals treat one the West's most famous defense lawyers and an internationally renowned Harvard University professor.
So, Norway is anti-Semitic for refusing to rubber stamp U.S. and Israeli foreign policy in Gaza and the Middle East? LOL. These Zionists are crazy. God help us. They have a lot of bombs and a screwed up ideology. They're so paranoid and brainwashed that they honestly think they are always right and their critics are not just wrong but hate-filled Hitlers who need to be killed.

Now, Iceland is being accused of anti-Semitism by Israel's right-wing. This is a big clue. Watch out for another Mossad-NATO-CIA-MI6 terror attack in that country. If you criticize Israel, which is by definition a terrorist state, you get called anti-Semitic, and, if you persist in your criticism then you get bombed. That's how terrorists like to work. Keep your mouth shut, or die. This rule applies to both nations and individuals.

Also, let's not forget that members of the Icelandic parliament resisted the private banking rape of their country. This is a big motivation for the London/Wall Street private banksters to unleash their terror teams upon Iceland and teach it a lesson, telling Iceland: If you resist our economic terrorism, we will kill you.

Plus, Iceland's parliamentarians are supporting the Palestinian bid for statehood in the United Nations in September. My god! These are brave people. They are going against the two biggest terrorist coalitions on the planet: London/Wall Street private banksters and the "We are victims all day, every day" Zionists.

Manfred Gerstenfeld writes in "Iceland against Israel":

With his visit to the Palestinian Authority, Gaza, Jordan and Egypt last week, Ossur Skarphedinsson, the Social Democratic Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iceland, came to put his two cents into the Middle Eastern debate.

Skarphedinsson enhanced his country's relations with the Palestinians and promised them Iceland's support in their bid for statehood at the next United Nations General Assembly. He studiously avoided any diplomatic contact with Israel on that trip. Earlier this month, the Icelandic Birgitta Jonsdottir was the first parliamentarian of any country to visit participants of the failed second Gaza flotilla.
Birgitta Jonsdottir is a brave woman. She is behind the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative with the objective to protect whistleblowers from government censorship and make Iceland a beacon for freedom of speech. She talked to the National Post back in January about the Modern Media Initiative, saying "One thing it will make sure of is if you publish material through Icelandic servers, it should not be possible to take it down."

I wouldn't be surprised if the thuggish lunatics who run the CIA, Mossad and MI6 label Jonsdottir an info terrorist and take her out.

II. The anti-Semitism label is a trick

Former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni on Democracy Now:

Amy Goodman: Often, when there is dissent expressed in the United States against policies of the Israeli government, people here are called "anti-Semitic," what is your response to that as an Israeli Jew?
Shulamit Aloni: Well, it's a trick. We always use it. (Credit to representativepress on YouTube).
Norway experienced what it is like to come under the Zionist propaganda machine. Then they got a taste of a little Zionist medicine, some good ol' terror.

And Norway is not anti-Semitic at all. In fact, Norwegian Jews have said that the claim that Norway is anti-Semitic is overblown and counter-productive.

Read this article "Norweigan Jews claim "anti-Semitism" in Norway is exaggerated," that was published on the website WakeUpFromYourSlumber in June. An excerpt:

"They believe we are being eaten in the streets here", said Ervin Kohn, president of The Mosaic Religious Community in Oslo.

Rumors are circulating that Norway is the most anti-Semitic country in the West. This is spreading so much in Jewish communities in the United States that the Mosaic Religious Community has invited leaders of major Jewish organizations in the U.S. to a seminar in Oslo next week.

"We want to take the bull by the horns. We live in a world of myth, "says Kohn.

The program includes politicians, editors, commentators and voices from the Norwegian religious landscape. There are two myths the seminar will deal with. One is that anti-Semitism does not exist in Norway. The second, prevalent in the US, is that Norway is the most anti-Semitic country in the West.

"Both I think are completely wrong. We may be located somewhere in the middle", said Kohn.
But truth doesn't matter to true believing Zionists. They make up reality on the spot. They act on impulse, myth, falsehoods, propaganda, not facts and evidence. Irrationality defines all extreme forms of nationalism, and Zionism is by far the most extreme form of nationalism around today.

The thought that Mossad and the CIA had a hand in the 9/11 attacks can't even enter the heads of true believers. They can't face the evil crimes done by the governments of the United States and Israel in their name. So, instead of addressing reality, they lash out and call opponents "anti-Semitic," even if those opponents are entire nations like Iceland and Norway.

We have to resist these false labels and these ugly lies by exposing the ridiculous nature of Zionist propaganda.

On July 24, Katharina Hauptmann wrote an article called "Anti-Nonsense" for the Iceland Review Online, here is an excerpt:

The people of Iceland are being accused of being anti-Semitic. Nonsense.

Yesterday, an article on the website of the Reykjav Grapevine about Icelandic- Israeli
relations caught my attention and filled me with deep concern.

The Grapevine reports on another article calling Iceland and its people anti-Semitic.

Wait, what did just happen? Iceland? Anti-Semitic?

During his recent visit to the Palestinian region, the Foreign Minister of Iceland, sur Skarphinsson, expressed his support for a potential Palestinian state and thereby offended certain people.

By Monday, 18th July, Mr. Manfred Gerstenfeld, who is a political activist and Chairman of the Board of Fellows at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, published an opinion piece on the Israel based news website Ynetnews (the internet site of Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel's most read newspaper), titled "Iceland against Israel".

In this article Mr. Gerstenfeld slams the Icelandic government for showing "considerable arrogance towards Israel" and says Foreign Minister sur Skarphinsson was well- known for his "plain egotism".

Ok, I understand the conflict of Israel and Palestine is debatable and Mr. Gerstenfeld is of course entitled to his own opinion.

What makes me angry is the arrogance and condescension he's displaying towards the Icelandic nation.

In his little pamphlet he discredits and belittles my adopted home in a patronizing and mean way.

I am obliged to set a few things straight.

Mr. Gerstenfeld, whose main occupation is being an environmental expert and business consultant, begins his lampoon with a smug comment about Iceland gaining "major publicity" with the collapse of its banks in 2008 and "when ash clouds from an eruption (...) caused major disturbances in European air traffic".

Alright, I admit it: the financial meltdown and the volcanic eruption were all part of a well-planned, genius publicity stunt.

Also, Iceland is "a country that caused huge financial damage abroad".

Yes, Mr. Gerstenfeld, we know that as well.

Have you ever thought about who is suffering most from the financial crisis?

I bet you haven't wasted a single thought about the Icelandic people.
Do you think the Icelanders are enjoying living in bankruptcy?

Furthermore, Mr. Gerstenfeld tries to paint Iceland as anti-Semitic country simply based on the fact that only very few Jews live there.True, only very few people in Iceland are Jews.

Does that mean the country is anti-Semitic?

Do we measure the worth of a country by the number of its Jewish inhabitants?

The Icelandic Nation = 320 000 people!

Thereof not even 2% are of Roman Catholic belief, so do you call Iceland anti-Catholic?
Read the entire article.

Let's smash anti-human propaganda by paranoid and hate-filled Zionists to dust. I believe in fair play and honest friendship among all nations. I hate lies and smear campaigns, especially when entire nations like Norway and Iceland are smeared with the "anti-Semitic" label.

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