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Thursday, 28 July 2011

The Reign of Zionist-Globalist Terror

The Reign of Zionist-Globalist Terror.


It has been three days since the Oslo attacks and the official story that a right-wing Christian extremist planned the atrocity by himself is being ripped apart in the alternative media. More pieces of evidence keep rolling in that shows the official version to be false and manufactured by Mossad and Western intelligence agencies for their own political purposes.

Paul Joseph Watson has done a great expose of the shooter's Facebook profile and political background in his article, "Anders Behring Breivik: Manufacturing a Patsy?" Watson illustrates how Breivik's Facebook profile was tampered with after the attacks to make it appear to the press that he is a right-wing Christian extremist. Watson writes:

The effort to smear European conservatives as unhinged radicals who harbor simmering urges for bloodlust is now in full swing, and it's a demonization campaign firmly founded on the carefully crafted public portrayal of Anders Behring Breivik.

However, it's quickly becoming apparent that just as many eyewitnesses reported two gunmen on the island where the rampage unfolded, there are two different personas behind Breivik himself.

Indeed, there are two different Facebook profiles for Breivik, one from before the massacre and one from after. The latter profile appears to have been embellished and deliberately altered to emphasize the notion that the gunman was motivated by his "Christian conservative" beliefs.
What we can discern from this new piece of evidence is that there is a deliberate political and psychological campaign by the corporatist globalists who run the big private banks and almost all Western governments, including the American government, to bring down the Western white middle class as well as to demonize Christian opponents of a new world dictatorial government.

Once the middle class goes then so goes the nation. It is as simple as that. Free, independent and democratic nations are the enemies of the tyrannical globalists who have been constructing a new world authoritarian government out in the open for decades.

By framing resistance to the corporate-banking takeover of human society through a world government as "right-wing extremism," the cunning globalists are able to pull in the naive masses into the fold, and move on with their plans to prepare the mass slaughter of the middle class.

What will be left in the wreckage will be a two-tiered society of haves and have-nots, of plutocrats and plebs, of insiders and outsiders.

It is a mistake to say only Israel was behind this recent false flag attack in Oslo because the new world order cabal also benefits from a state of fear and crisis in Western society. These two political coalitions greatly benefited from the false flag 9/11 attacks a decade ago. But just because they are joined at the hip now it does not mean this will always be the case.

Sooner or later one side may come to resent the other and push them off the boat. I think the globalists will probably tell Israel to shove it (just read top globalist Zbigniew Brzezinski on Israel and you'll know what I mean).

Both the Zionists and the Globalists are the greatest enemies of free speech and free governments. Their reign of terror in the West is documentable and self-evident. We must do everything in our power to bring an end to their violence against democracy, freedom, and justice.

If you need further convincing that Mossad and other Western intelligence agencies connected to the Cold War-era NATO Gladio networks were behind the attacks in Oslo, then read this excellent article by journalist Wayne Madsen called, "After Oslo: Time to Crack Down On Mossad Terrorism." Madsen says that Norway's honourable government refused "help" from the Netanyahu-Barak gang that runs Israel:

After Israel offered assistance to Norway, including forensic and medical assistance, as well as the evacuation of the wounded from the 7/22 attack, Norway declined the offer. The rejection of assistance from Israel indicates that the Norwegian government was suspicious of the offer from Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak.
My respect and admiration for Norway is so high right now. While other Western governments, especially the governments in America, Canada and England, sheepishly bow down to the Zionist terrorists and listen to their false words, Norway's government is standing up for the interests of its people and for the cause of freedom.

I view the struggle against Nazism, Zionism, Islamism, Communism and Fascism as one historical struggle against racism, tyranny, and government terrorism. Nazism was defeated in World War II. Communism was defeated in 1989. It is our generation's responsibility today to defeat corporate fascism in North America and the Western world, along with Zionism.

Islamism will be defeated by the courageous young people in Iran, Egypt and other Middle Eastern nations. It is not our fight. Our fight in the West is against the twin evils of Corporate Fascism and Zionism.

Defeating Zionism means exposing false flag terrorism and acts of state terror by the state terrorists who control Israel's government. But it doesn't mean splitting apart Israel or demonizing all of Israel. The people of Israel deserve to live in an all Jewish country.

When I think of Israel I want to think of the home of the Jews, just as when I think of Egypt I think the home of the Arabs, and Iran as the home of the Persians.

When I think of Israel today I think of the home of the state terrorists and arrogant murderers of innocent people. And they are bringing their violence and their terror to the West, as we saw in New York on September 11, and now in Oslo.

This has to stop. We cannot be silent, not even for a day. We must end the occupation of our societies by Zionist and Globalist terrorists.

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