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Thursday, 28 July 2011

The Failure of The Western Media: Lessons From Oslo

he Failure of The Western Media: Lessons From Oslo.


"Newspapers seek to inform their readers quickly rather than to inform them well. Truth is not the beneficiary in this setting of priorities." - Albert Camus, "Critical Journalism." September 8, 1944. From the book Camus at "Combat": Writing 1944-1947. Pg. 32.
Immediately after the first reports of the attacks in Oslo, Norway, journalists and media talking heads pointed the finger at Islamic extremists. They wanted to get a jump on the story, but they fell face flat because they saw what they wanted to see, not what the facts showed.

Many people make this common mistake, especially journalists who are invested in a particular view about terrorism and put their personal reputations on the line when they defend it and promote it.

Director Errol Morris mentions this truth to former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara in his 2003 film, "The Fog of War," telling him, "We see what we want to believe." McNamara added a truth of his own, saying, "We see incorrectly, or we see only half of the story at times."

The insane 24/7 television news media allows no time for news anchors to reflect and contemplate on what they are reporting to viewers. They literally run with a headline and don't bother to stop and ask themselves questions such as, "what is the source of this information?" or, "who stands to gain by this terror attack?"

As a result, journalists who work in newsrooms are probably the most uninformed people on the planet in this age of speed-reporting and government propaganda.

Bloggers are the most informed people because they have a lot of time on their hands. Enough time to ask serious questions and look past the headlines. Digging for the truth requires patience and humility, two things that "respectable" journalists lack.

The attacks in Oslo provide a good example of how mainstream journalists routinely fail the public by sticking to the official script instead of offering accurate reporting and critical analysis of a news event. Journalists overlooked so many things, from the shooter's contradictory profile, to the fact that numerous eyewitnesses reported two shooters at the scene.

The mainstream media also refused to look at Mossad, CIA and NATO as suspects in the attacks, which either exposes their deep ignorance of the reality of Western state terrorism or their complicity.

There are so many reasons to point the finger at Mossad, CIA and NATO as the parties responsible for the deadly attacks in Oslo.

There is documented historical evidence of NATO sponsored terrorism in European cities during the Cold War. There is the fact that Norway's expression of support of a Palestinian state angered the right-wing government in Israel, and there is also the fact that Norway was terminating its role in the Libya war beginning in the first of August.

As a general principle, independence is not allowed in the European Union so Norway was taught a very painful lesson by the terrorist masters who control secret forces within NATO, CIA and Mossad.

In any line of work it is stupid to totally dismiss anything out of hand, but especially in journalism because knowing the facts impacts our decision making, our view of governments, and our judgement of our political leaders.

Journalists are supposed to represent the first line of defense against government propaganda. But in the age of state terror journalists have been turned into the first attack brigades in the war against the public mind and against reality.

Raising the reality of false flag terrorism into global consciousness has been the aim of the global 9/11 truth movement. A better world is only possible if we know how the current world works and whom it works for.

The International Center for 9/11 Studies is leading international hearings on the September 11 attacks in Ryerson University in Toronto in the week of the 10th anniversary of the tragedy. Go here for more information on the event. The "objectives of the hearings," are as follows:

(1) To present evidence that the U.S. government's official investigation into the events of September 11, 2001, as pursued by various government and government-appointed agencies, is seriously flawed and has failed to describe and account for the 9/11 events.

(2) To single out the most weighty evidence of the inadequacy of the U.S. government's investigation; to organize and classify that evidence; to preserve that evidence; to make that evidence widely known to the public and to governmental, non-governmental and inter-governmental organizations.

(3) To submit a record and a summary of the Hearings, together with signed Statutory Declarations by witnesses, to relevant governments, groups and international agencies with the request that a full and impartial investigation be launched into the events of September 11, 2001, which have been used to initiate military invasions and to restrict the rights of citizens.

(4) To engage the attention of the public and media through witness testimony as well as through public talks and media events during the four day event.
Don't expect the CBC or the New York Times to attend the hearings and suddenly support a scientific and independent investigation into the 9/11 attacks. Journalists who work for giant media institutions don't have the decency and the humanity to admit that they were wrong about 9/11. They have big heads, and not much in them.

But mainstream journalists don't have the power to construct reality anymore because nobody is listening to them. More and more people are freeing their sacred minds from their stupidity, ignorance, prejudices, blindness, and lies.

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