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Saturday 9 July 2011


Several analysts have been trying to unravel what has quickly become the obvious conclusion that forces are at work against Pakistan, and that the end game is a New Partition that dissolves Pakistan from existence. But recent discoveries about who is behind this nefarious plot may surprise you.


Some excellent research has been done that suggests a trio of conspirators to this plan. These are CIA, RAW, and the network of jihadis supporting a pan-Islamic Khalifat that I will call Taliban for simplicity even though this is not exact. But something has always kept this theory from being readily acceptable. What would the US gain from a plan to divide Pakistan? At first it seemed obvious that the end game was taking control of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons. But this theory falls apart too quickly. Also, it ignores the reality of American military power and political hegemony. If the US wanted to divide Pakistan, it could do so easily just as it did when it broke up Yugoslavia in the 1990s.

American involvement in a plot to divide Pakistan is also impossible to reconcile with the level of military support being given. The US would not give $2 Billions in military support if it thought this would end up in the hands of Taliban militants and their allies. And even though the Americans do provide support to India, it is clear that they do not trust the Indians as a lone power, preferring to keep them on a short leash.


There are two groups who gain from this plan – the actual conspirators which are India and the Taliban as defined above. It may seem strange that two mortal enemies would cooperate to divide a country like this, but actually there is historical evidence for just such a plan. The American-Soviet Cold War saw frequent times when the two nations would divide up countries based on maintaining a balance of powers, all the while scheming to tip the balance and overthrow the other.

This was also the rationale behind India’s infamous acts against Pakistan in 1971. Certainly the Congress was no friend to Awami League in Dhaka, but it was a marriage of convenience as they say. Both Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Indira Ghandi got their wishes by severing East Pakistan. Do you not see that today Manmohan Singh is playing the same game with Mullah Omar? Why do you think that peace talks are rejected every year?

When Pakistan was but a dream in the hearts and souls of Allama Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, it was already opposed by Syed Abul A’ala Maududi and other Islamists who rejected the idea of a sovereign nation and instead were at the time still promoting openly a pan-Islamic Khilafa. Only when Pakistan became a reality from the blood and sacrifice of our ancestors were these anti-Pakistan voices silenced. Just because their story changed, their plans did not change. They have continued to work behind the scenes to create a new Khilafa in which they are the self-appointed rulers. This is why they continually look to the Ottoman


This marriage of convenience is the basis for carrying out the division of Pakistan. By now it is quite clear that the 26/11 attack in Mumbai was carried out as an inside job coordinated by RAW. Though the actual violence was carried out by LeT militants, such an obvious plot could only be possible if RAW looked the other way long enough to allow for the acts to be carried out. In fact, six days before the attacks the security of the hotel was stopped. This is because RAW and LeT must have been working together.

Now, there has been some confusion over the involvement of the American David Headley. But when the facts of his case are understood vis-a-vis the New Partition, it all begins to make sense. When David Headley was arrested, American officials refused to let RAW agents interrogate him for three months. This is because CIA had become aware of the connections between LeT and RAW and had to ensure that there was no time for RAW agents to slip Headley a ‘suicide pill’ or to ‘get their story straight’ about how his involvement would be explained. This is also why India is so determined to have Headley extradited so they can silence him for good.


Indian police preparing to hand over Kashmir to jihadi control

Most recently, the Kashmir intifada has taken a curious change. Islamic lashkars are no longer committing attacks while the frequency and intensity of Indian violence against Muslims has skyrocketed. Actually, what militancy has been witnessed in Kashmir recently has been of the defensive variety in which individuals are trying to protect the people and property against Indian violence.

Indians are basically carrying out a slash and burn program against Muslim Kashmie because the agreement with the jihadis allows that it will be ceded to the Taliban. India has understandably agreed to this because it has become unrealistic for them to maintain control over a Muslim population that demands their rights, and India would gladly trade this parcel of land for some others.


Jihadi from Lahore bombing attacks arrested by police AKA national heroes

Just as the lashkars have pulled out of Kashmir, they have reorganized in force in Karachi and Lahore. This is because these cities will fall on the Indian side of the new partition. Look at the targets of militant violence in both cities. Targets have been government security infrastructure like CID headquarters and religious locations. Like their Indian co-conspirators, Taliban are not going to leave behind any gifts for the new tenants. Jihadis are bombing mosques and holy sites for two reasons. First, these sites they are attacking are Sufi or Shia or some other site that is considered bid’ah according to the Wahhabism of the jihadis. Just as they destroyed the Buddhas of Bamyan with no care for history, so they are also willing to burn Abdullah Shah Ghazi shrine. But the additional reason is that they know that the Hindus will make a mockery of any remaining holy sites, even if they do not meet the artificial standards of piety that are the inventions of the jihadi leadership to secure their control over Pakistanis.


Just as during the Cold War between America and the Soviets, each side is willing to make some sacrifice and play a great game because they believe that in the end they will be able to overcome the other. The jihadis believe that they can establish a Khilafa-e-Rashid from the land of Afghanistan and Western Pakistan and use this as a base to expand their power. For this they are willing to sacrifice parts of the Punjab and Sindh. They see this as a temporary condition only because they believe they will regain this land as the Ottomans who are their model.

Similarly, the Indians see such a plan of their own. It will be some sacrifice for them to finally loose their grip on Jammu and Kashmir but they will see this also as a temporary condition while they gain Karachi and Lahore. Islamabad, of course, they will rename for Harbaksh after their general of 1965 war since this will be the greatest insult.

The end game then is for Pakistan to be no more. To the jihadis and the Indians both it is merely an obstacle in the way of their game for power.


Protecting the integrity and sovereignty of Pakistan must be the priority number one of all Pakistani nationalists. Now that the RAW-Jihadi connection has been made, we must unite to break its back. In the words of the Quaid-e-Azam, “In our solidarity, unity and discipline lie the strength, power and sanction behind us to carry on this fight successfully.”

Presently there are forces trying to divide us so that we may be conquered. Some are sworn enemies such as India and some are false allies such as the religious militant groups. We cannot allow them to succeed.

“Muslims! Protect your Hindu Neighbours. Cooperate with the Government and the officials in protecting your Hindu Neighbours against these lawless elements, fifth columnists and cliques. Pakistan must be governed through the properly constituted Government and not by cliques or fifth columnists or Mobs.” (Qaid-i-Azam, 9 January 1948)

Just as Jinnah called on us to protect our Hindu neighbors in 1948 so we must protect all of our fellow Pakistani brothers in 2010. There are evil forces at work that are trying to divide our nation into sects and ethnic groups so that our national identity as Pakistanis will weaken. Our national identity is like the mortar and we are the bricks which may be of different colors or shapes or sizes, but held together with the mortar of our nationalist pride the wall is impenetrable.

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